adoi..sakit ati..
spent the whole nite nk siapkan report subject biochem..almost done..but then realize that something wrong with that graph..arrrghh..and it seems totally wrong..rase cam nk menjerit sekuat ati je..tpi x bley rumet yg len sedang enak dibuai mimpi..kang x pasal2 lak ak kene penampor je di pagi yg buta ini...adoi...
what should i do now?sleep?tpi x bley nk tdo sebab dh pekena kopi emas cotek..hmm..then decided to write my feeling right now in this belog yg x seberape nk mcm belog...adoi..tensen wei..nk kne tunggu esok bru leh nk siap kan report tu..dh la sok de campus day segala..kehadiran compulsary lak tu..aduh...
ari tu 3 ari lap top duk kedai sebab format..laptop ak kne spyware..bengong!!!3 ari x leh wat pe2..duk je melangut ntah pe2 sbb nk wat assignmemt lap top tarak...tu yg bersengkang mata mlm ni..tpi ape ak dpt result tuk xperiment salah hampeh siot..,lagi rase cam bengong je..sekali lgi bengong....haih..benci ahh..damn irritating nk mampus rase..
makin byk ak mengarang makin byk lak words yg kurang enak tertaip..
k la chio dlu..nih meja ak yg mcm meja x siap sbb bertungkus lumus siapkan lab report......
hoho...cian2...awat x kasi kat aku ja...aku pon reti format apa (bsjet...ekeke)
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